Return To Paradise Pond - 6-22-2014
Had so damn much fun yesterday, figured I would go back. The pond was all covered with fog this morning. It was really pretty. Started the morning out casting Boo-yah Pad Crasher frog. Learned that my light action spinning rod is not the tool to fish these things with. Hard to get a good enough hook set with it using these types of frogs. No worries, switch tackle and used my swimbait on my spinning tackle and my frog on my medium heavy action baitcaster. Things worked well. First fish of the day was a pickerel. That is just fine. I'll take anything that will pull my line. Second fish was a nice bass that really nailed the swim bait. Put up one hell of a fight on the light action spinning rod. Had to loosen up the drag cuz I thought the fish was going to snap my pole. Third fish was a small pickerel. I love the audacity of pickerel. Their mouths are certainly bigger than their brains. 6 inch pickerel trying to eat a 6 inch swim bait. Forth fish was a bass. Smaller than the first but put up a good fight. Caught it as I pulled the swim bait past a stumped sticking out of the water. After he drug my kayak around for awhile, I could see the stump was actually quite the myriad of roots underwater, looked like good bass structure. Have to remember that place. Wind started picking up and the clouds started rolling in.
The wife left me a "honey do" list that I am supposed to get done today, so I got off the pond and went home.... Thinking about stepping up my spinning rod to a medium action.....